Kenneth N Ney


USDA subsidy information for Kenneth N Ney

Addresses on file with USDA for Kenneth N Ney

This recipient received $80,302 in farm subsidies directly from USDA. Below we list the addresses of the recipient along with others at the same address. Note: Although the city, state and zipcode of records below may match, each address is unique.

Recipient name City, State Years
Kenneth N NeyHoisington, KS 675442021-2023
    Other recipients at this address:Jared N Ney - $394,617
Gene Michaelis - $57,207
Gerald Michaelis - $62,273
Regina L Michaelis - $23,310
Elizabeth J Michaelis - $41,882
Shirley Brown - $67,299
Larry Michaelis - $90,806
Constance S Corcoran - $24,238
Roger Michaelis - $85,391

Farm Subsidies Education
