Conservation Reserve Program in Kosciusko County, Indiana, 2022

Subsidy Recipients 1 to 20 of 297

Recipients of Conservation Reserve Program from farms in Kosciusko County, Indiana totaled $1,115,000 in in 2022.

Rank Recipient
(* ownership information available)
Location Conservation Reserve Program
1Dillon Revocable Living Trust Dated 2/12/14Pierceton, IN 46562$85,047
2Hoffman Family Farms IncSilver Lake, IN 46982$29,194
3Mark CollierClaypool, IN 46510$27,388
4Michael G Strawser Property Invest And Dev IncWolcottville, IN 46795$26,186
5Charles D KriegerTampa, FL 33647$25,199
6Larry E IhnenNorth Manchester, IN 46962$20,960
7Robert SennettWarsaw, IN 46581$19,862
8Roger L WagonerClaypool, IN 46510$18,465
9Layne M EvansPierceton, IN 46562$17,225
10Nifong Farms LLCWarsaw, IN 46582$16,278
11Joel C HigginsClaypool, IN 46510$15,687
12Rebecca OusleyColumbia City, IN 46725$15,114
13Donald R ZolmanPierceton, IN 46562$14,069
14Miner Family Properties LLCWarsaw, IN 46582$13,600
15Stephen K ManningClaypool, IN 46510$12,466
16Randy KlotzEtna Green, IN 46524$12,080
17Thomas EngleSouth Whitley, IN 46787$12,007
18Tom HeimanWarsaw, IN 46580$11,046
19Jon WilcoxsonPierceton, IN 46562$10,820
20Baker Forest Company IncAkron, IN 46910$10,006

* USDA data are not "transparent" for many payments made to recipients through most cooperatives. Recipients of payments made through most cooperatives, and the amounts, have not been made public. To see ownership information, click on the name, then click on the link that is titled Ownership Information.

** EWG has identified this recipient as a bank or lending institution that received the payment because the payment applicant had a loan requiring any subsidy payments go to the lender first. In 2019, the information provided to EWG by USDA began to include the entity that received the payment, rather than the person or entity that applied for it, which was previously provided. This move to shield subsidy recipients from disclosure enables USDA to further evade taxpayer accountability. Six percent of subsidy dollars went to banks, lending institutions, or the Farm Service Agency.”

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