Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Round 2 in Stevens County, Washington, 1995-2023

Subsidy Recipients 1 to 20 of 127

Recipients of Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Round 2 from farms in Stevens County, Washington totaled $1,459,000 in from 1995-2023.

Rank Recipient
(* ownership information available)
Location Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Round 2
1Cruz NavarroColville, WA 99114$132,226
2Seitters Farms LLCColville, WA 99114$89,370
3Carlson Farms JvAddy, WA 99101$66,165
4Steven W GibsonAddy, WA 99101$63,088
5Brandon Ray StaufferAddy, WA 99101$45,554
6Swiger Farms IncFord, WA 99013$42,692
7Julie DashiellHunters, WA 99137$35,685
8Bryan GothamColville, WA 99114$33,453
9Artesian Honey Co IncLoon Lake, WA 99148$29,730
10Joe BarkerColville, WA 99114$29,507
11Jeffrey Douglas DawsonColville, WA 99114$28,472
12Esvelt Farms LLCRice, WA 99167$25,292
13Kevin N SampsonValley, WA 99181$24,011
14Smith & SmithColville, WA 99114$22,844
15Jeff AxtellTumtum, WA 99034$22,022
16Casey AxtellTumtum, WA 99034$20,430
17Jerry D GalloKettle Falls, WA 99141$20,157
18Cruz E NavarroChewelah, WA 99109$18,522
19Casey AxtellSpringdale, WA 99173$16,873
20John D DawsonColville, WA 99114$16,804

* USDA data are not "transparent" for many payments made to recipients through most cooperatives. Recipients of payments made through most cooperatives, and the amounts, have not been made public. To see ownership information, click on the name, then click on the link that is titled Ownership Information.

** EWG has identified this recipient as a bank or lending institution that received the payment because the payment applicant had a loan requiring any subsidy payments go to the lender first. In 2019, the information provided to EWG by USDA began to include the entity that received the payment, rather than the person or entity that applied for it, which was previously provided. This move to shield subsidy recipients from disclosure enables USDA to further evade taxpayer accountability. Six percent of subsidy dollars went to banks, lending institutions, or the Farm Service Agency.”

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