Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) Program in 4th District of Iowa (Rep. Steve King), 2021

Subsidy Recipients 1 to 20 of 109

Recipients of Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) Program from farms in 4th District of Iowa (Rep. Steve King) totaled $331,000 in in 2021.

Rank Recipient
(* ownership information available)
Location Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) Program
1Hunt Farms PartnershipSalix, IA 51052$76,860
2Yellowrock Farm IncSwea City, IA 50590$27,839
3Michael LudwigHumboldt, IA 50548$19,974
4Blair Family Farms LLCMonmouth, IL 61462$16,295
5Charles LaubenthalSwea City, IA 50590$11,819
6Michael D HeikensEverly, IA 51338$11,165
7Evergreen Corner Farm LLCOcheyedan, IA 51354$10,442
8Wynja Feedlot IncOrange City, IA 51041$9,536
9Gregory P LynottHawarden, IA 51023$8,358
10Richard R KnudsenDickens, IA 51333$6,945
11Michael Steven BerteLakota, IA 50451$6,670
12Nyhof Dairy IncSioux Center, IA 51250$6,006
13Tiger Stripe Farms LLCOcheyedan, IA 51354$5,905
14Jordan BrewerSloan, IA 51055$5,893
15Larry L Van MeeterenSheldon, IA 51201$5,651
16Betsy S DahlRolfe, IA 50581$4,096
17Mark D WarntjesBoyden, IA 51234$3,809
18Kooi Farm IncSioux Center, IA 51250$3,767
19N Eugene NattressMilford, IA 51351$3,707
20Douglas Allen EvansTerril, IA 51364$3,685

* USDA data are not "transparent" for many payments made to recipients through most cooperatives. Recipients of payments made through most cooperatives, and the amounts, have not been made public. To see ownership information, click on the name, then click on the link that is titled Ownership Information.

** EWG has identified this recipient as a bank or lending institution that received the payment because the payment applicant had a loan requiring any subsidy payments go to the lender first. In 2019, the information provided to EWG by USDA began to include the entity that received the payment, rather than the person or entity that applied for it, which was previously provided. This move to shield subsidy recipients from disclosure enables USDA to further evade taxpayer accountability. Six percent of subsidy dollars went to banks, lending institutions, or the Farm Service Agency.”

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