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2nd District Of Georgia (Rep. Sanford Bishop) Farm Subsidy Breakdown, 2023

Total Subsidies, 2nd District of Georgia (Rep. Sanford Bishop), 2023

2nd District Of Georgia (Rep. Sanford Bishop) Farm Subsidy Quick Facts

  • Georgia ranking: 17 of 50 States
  • 68 percent of farms in Georgia did not collect subsidy payments - according to USDA.

Top programs in 2nd District of Georgia (Rep. Sanford Bishop), 2023:

Rank Program Number of Recipients
Subsidy Total
1Total Emergency Relief Program355$11,679,912
2Conservation Reserve Program898$3,660,166
3Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Round 2358$1,168,602
4Total Pandemic Assistance Program (PARP)105$1,009,173
5Miscellaneous Disaster Programs29$814,519

Farm Subsidies Education
