Market Facilitation Program (MFP) in Madison County, Iowa, 1995-2023

Subsidy Recipients 1 to 20 of 602

Recipients of Market Facilitation Program (MFP) from farms in Madison County, Iowa totaled $13,695,000 in from 1995-2023.

Rank Recipient
(* ownership information available)
Location Market Facilitation Program (MFP)
1Benshoof Farms PartnershipWinterset, IA 50273$538,276
2Jeffry KiddooLorimor, IA 50149$240,010
3Schulz Farms IncMacksburg, IA 50155$222,665
4Christopher Jon EndresSaint Charles, IA 50240$214,971
52b Farms, Inc.Winterset, IA 50273$200,851
6Paul F CainVan Meter, IA 50261$186,612
7Paul HollingsworthWinterset, IA 50273$176,558
8Michael Harold FreyEarlham, IA 50072$171,531
9Robinson Livestock IncWinterset, IA 50273$169,651
10Evan HollingsworthPeru, IA 50222$162,299
11Ben JohnsonWinterset, IA 50273$161,303
12Jp & D Farms IncCumming, IA 50061$151,425
13Zion Farms IncWinterset, IA 50273$150,626
14Larree L ImbodenDexter, IA 50070$150,036
15Mr Jeffrey Ken BellamyWinterset, IA 50273$149,080
16Ryan Eugene BurgerEarlham, IA 50072$133,088
17Connor PartnershipProle, IA 50229$132,081
18Casper Farm IncWinterset, IA 50273$128,128
19Eivins Farms LLCLorimor, IA 50149$122,317
20Lynn ThompsonMacksburg, IA 50155$121,811

* USDA data are not "transparent" for many payments made to recipients through most cooperatives. Recipients of payments made through most cooperatives, and the amounts, have not been made public. To see ownership information, click on the name, then click on the link that is titled Ownership Information.

** EWG has identified this recipient as a bank or lending institution that received the payment because the payment applicant had a loan requiring any subsidy payments go to the lender first. In 2019, the information provided to EWG by USDA began to include the entity that received the payment, rather than the person or entity that applied for it, which was previously provided. This move to shield subsidy recipients from disclosure enables USDA to further evade taxpayer accountability. Six percent of subsidy dollars went to banks, lending institutions, or the Farm Service Agency.”

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