Thomas G Herbert And Edna L Herbert Revocable Livi


USDA subsidy information for Thomas G Herbert And Edna L Herbert Revocable Livi

Thomas G Herbert And Edna L Herbert Revocable Livi received payments totaling $76,397 from 1995 through 2023

Year Conservation Subsidies Disaster Subsidies Commodity Subsidies Total USDA Subsidies
1995 $1,988 $0 $1,169 $3,157
1996 $1,988 $0 $809 $2,797
1997 $1,988 $0 $1,056 $3,044
1998 $1,988 $0 $1,818 $3,806
1999 $0 $0 $5,345 $5,345
2000 $260 $0 $4,716 $4,976
2001 $9,376 $0 $6,058 $15,434
2002 $403 $0 $154 $557
2003 $397 $0 $1,348 $1,745
2004 $3,433 $0 $2,865 $6,298
2005 $447 $0 $4,547 $4,994
2006 $447 $0 $2,475 $2,922
2007 $447 $0 $1,185 $1,632
2008 $447 $0 $1,185 $1,632
2009 $447 $0 $928 $1,375
2010 $5,023 $0 $928 $5,951
2011 $526 $0 $928 $1,454
2012 $217 $0 $948 $1,165
2013 $217 $781 $867 $1,865
2014 $217 $0 $0 $217
2015 $323 $0 $0 $323
2016 $323 $0 $3,251 $3,574
2017 $323 $0 $0 $323
2018 $323 $0 $0 $323
2019 $323 $0 $0 $323
2020 $323 $0 $0 $323
2021 $314 $0 $0 $314
2022 $314 $0 $0 $314
2023 $213 $0 $0 $213
Total $33,035 $781 $42,581 $76,397

Counties where payments were made from

County Subsidy Payments 1995-2023
Putnam County, Indiana $76,397.00
Total $76,397

Farm Subsidies Education
