Geraldine Chambliss Trammell Revocable Trust Of 20


USDA subsidy information for Geraldine Chambliss Trammell Revocable Trust Of 20

Geraldine Chambliss Trammell Revocable Trust Of 20 received payments totaling $92,145 from 1995 through 2023

Year Conservation Subsidies Disaster Subsidies Commodity Subsidies Total USDA Subsidies
1995 $2,561 $0 $255 $2,816
1996 $2,561 $0 $416 $2,977
1997 $2,561 $0 $398 $2,959
1998 $2,561 $0 $650 $3,211
1999 $4,447 $0 $1,014 $5,461
2000 $3,518 $0 $648 $4,166
2001 $3,518 $0 $654 $4,172
2002 $3,518 $0 $978 $4,496
2003 $3,518 $0 $418 $3,936
2004 $3,420 $0 $612 $4,032
2005 $4,122 $0 $1,687 $5,809
2006 $3,771 $0 $871 $4,642
2007 $3,771 $0 $564 $4,335
2008 $3,771 $0 $562 $4,333
2009 $3,893 $0 $250 $4,143
2010 $3,893 $0 $514 $4,407
2011 $3,893 $0 $514 $4,407
2012 $3,893 $0 $562 $4,455
2013 $3,893 $0 $233 $4,126
2014 $686 $0 $0 $686
2015 $686 $0 $0 $686
2016 $686 $0 $1,249 $1,935
2017 $686 $0 $1,182 $1,868
2018 $686 $0 $3,499 $4,185
2019 $288 $0 $1,307 $1,595
2020 $288 $0 $1,412 $1,700
2021 $288 $0 $31 $319
2022 $288 $0 $0 $288
2023 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $71,665 $0 $20,480 $92,145

Counties where payments were made from

County Subsidy Payments 1995-2023
Alexander County, Illinois $2,100.00
Pulaski County, Illinois $90,045.00
Total $92,145

Farm Subsidies Education
