Gerald A And Alice Mae Rothermich


USDA subsidy information for Gerald A And Alice Mae Rothermich

Gerald A And Alice Mae Rothermich received payments totaling $119,896 from 1995 through 2023

Year Conservation Subsidies Disaster Subsidies Commodity Subsidies Total USDA Subsidies
1995 $1,186 $0 $295 $1,481
1996 $1,186 $0 $365 $1,551
1997 $1,186 $0 $503 $1,689
1998 $3,587 $0 $609 $4,196
1999 $4,645 $0 $899 $5,544
2000 $3,587 $0 $1,211 $4,798
2001 $3,587 $0 $1,985 $5,572
2002 $3,587 $0 $289 $3,876
2003 $3,587 $0 $172 $3,759
2004 $3,587 $0 $251 $3,838
2005 $3,587 $0 $190 $3,777
2006 $3,587 $0 $729 $4,316
2007 $3,587 $0 $436 $4,023
2008 $3,587 $0 $417 $4,004
2009 $3,587 $0 $410 $3,997
2010 $3,587 $0 $410 $3,997
2011 $3,587 $0 $410 $3,997
2012 $6,496 $0 $870 $7,366
2013 $6,496 $0 $797 $7,293
2014 $7,112 $0 $0 $7,112
2015 $6,984 $0 $0 $6,984
2016 $6,496 $0 $439 $6,935
2017 $6,496 $0 $113 $6,609
2018 $6,496 $0 $113 $6,609
2019 $6,496 $0 $30 $6,526
2020 $0 $0 $47 $47
2021 $0 $0 $0 $0
2022 $0 $0 $0 $0
2023 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $107,906 $0 $11,990 $119,896

Counties where payments were made from

County Subsidy Payments 1995-2023
Monroe County, Missouri $107,906.00
Saint Charles County, Missouri $11,990.00
Total $119,896

Farm Subsidies Education
