Delbert F Hiebert And Marjorie A


USDA subsidy information for Delbert F Hiebert And Marjorie A

Delbert F Hiebert And Marjorie A received payments totaling $76,791 from 1995 through 2023

Year Conservation Subsidies Disaster Subsidies Commodity Subsidies Total USDA Subsidies
1995 $850 $0 $4,857 $5,707
1996 $850 $0 $11,285 $12,135
1997 $850 $0 $3,640 $4,490
1998 $850 $0 $4,154 $5,004
1999 $850 $0 $10,347 $11,197
2000 $140 $0 $8,806 $8,946
2001 $836 $0 $9,372 $10,208
2002 $939 $0 $1,630 $2,569
2003 $863 $0 $674 $1,537
2004 $863 $0 $-24 $839
2005 $863 $0 $0 $863
2006 $863 $0 $0 $863
2007 $863 $0 $0 $863
2008 $863 $0 $0 $863
2009 $863 $0 $217 $1,080
2010 $863 $0 $0 $863
2011 $987 $0 $0 $987
2012 $797 $0 $0 $797
2013 $823 $0 $0 $823
2014 $823 $0 $0 $823
2015 $823 $0 $0 $823
2016 $823 $0 $0 $823
2017 $823 $0 $321 $1,144
2018 $898 $0 $0 $898
2019 $823 $0 $0 $823
2020 $823 $0 $0 $823
2021 $0 $0 $0 $0
2022 $0 $0 $0 $0
2023 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $21,512 $0 $55,279 $76,791

Counties where payments were made from

County Subsidy Payments 1995-2023
Montgomery County, Iowa $321.00
Gratiot County, Michigan $76,470.00
Total $76,791

Farm Subsidies Education
