Rick Howe And Andrew Howe


USDA subsidy information for Rick Howe And Andrew Howe

Rick Howe And Andrew Howe received payments totaling $278,482 from 1995 through 2023

Year Conservation Subsidies Disaster Subsidies Commodity Subsidies Total USDA Subsidies
1995 $0 $0 $8,158 $8,158
1996 $0 $0 $3,529 $3,529
1997 $0 $0 $4,243 $4,243
1998 $0 $0 $11,415 $11,415
1999 $0 $0 $23,438 $23,438
2000 $0 $0 $20,442 $20,442
2001 $0 $0 $12,654 $12,654
2002 $0 $0 $13,914 $13,914
2003 $0 $1,184 $18,504 $19,688
2004 $0 $0 $8,341 $8,341
2005 $0 $816 $18,092 $18,908
2006 $0 $0 $14,210 $14,210
2007 $0 $0 $5,237 $5,237
2008 $0 $0 $4,286 $4,286
2009 $0 $0 $16,240 $16,240
2010 $0 $0 $4,382 $4,382
2011 $0 $0 $4,210 $4,210
2012 $0 $0 $4,292 $4,292
2013 $0 $0 $3,919 $3,919
2014 $0 $932 $0 $932
2015 $0 $0 $10,798 $10,798
2016 $0 $0 $10,572 $10,572
2017 $0 $0 $4,334 $4,334
2018 $0 $0 $6,165 $6,165
2019 $0 $0 $11,599 $11,599
2020 $0 $0 $25,625 $25,625
2021 $0 $0 $6,951 $6,951
2022 $0 $0 $0 $0
2023 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $2,932 $275,551 $278,482

Counties where payments were made from

County Subsidy Payments 1995-2023
Fillmore County, Minnesota $124,326.00
Houston County, Minnesota $154,157.00
Total $278,482

Farm Subsidies Education
