K And B Martin Farms Inc


USDA subsidy information for K And B Martin Farms Inc

K And B Martin Farms Inc received payments totaling $265,732 from 1995 through 2023

Year Conservation Subsidies Disaster Subsidies Commodity Subsidies Total USDA Subsidies
1995 $0 $0 $7,104 $7,104
1996 $0 $0 $946 $946
1997 $16 $0 $6,713 $6,729
1998 $249 $0 $11,444 $11,693
1999 $312 $0 $22,060 $22,372
2000 $691 $0 $24,376 $25,067
2001 $656 $0 $20,171 $20,827
2002 $594 $0 $2,747 $3,341
2003 $594 $0 $9,255 $9,849
2004 $621 $0 $13,983 $14,604
2005 $647 $507 $23,787 $24,941
2006 $1,304 $0 $9,576 $10,880
2007 $840 $0 $5,929 $6,769
2008 $840 $0 $5,929 $6,769
2009 $814 $0 $5,812 $6,626
2010 $890 $1,298 $6,390 $8,578
2011 $1,014 $433 $5,238 $6,685
2012 $1,014 $0 $5,932 $6,946
2013 $1,014 $0 $5,831 $6,845
2014 $1,014 $0 $0 $1,014
2015 $1,014 $0 $2,861 $3,875
2016 $1,164 $0 $4,329 $5,493
2017 $1,268 $0 $0 $1,268
2018 $1,268 $0 $0 $1,268
2019 $1,268 $0 $23,965 $25,233
2020 $1,284 $0 $15,721 $17,005
2021 $1,002 $0 $0 $1,002
2022 $1,002 $0 $0 $1,002
2023 $1,002 $0 $0 $1,002
Total $23,396 $2,238 $240,098 $265,732

Counties where payments were made from

County Subsidy Payments 1995-2023
Calhoun County, Iowa $265,732.00
Total $265,732

Farm Subsidies Education
