Ronald P Klaphake


USDA subsidy information for Ronald P Klaphake

Payment Breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Commodity Programs$109,128
Total Conservation Programs$18,070
Total Disaster Programs$5,249

Commodity subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Commodity Programs$109,128
Market Facilitation Program (MFP)$3,170
    Market Facilitation Program Payment (MFP) - Dairy and Hogs$3,170
Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) Program$4,086
    Agricultural Risk Coverage County Payment (ARC-CO)$4,086
Price Loss Coverage Program (PLC)$886
    Price Loss Coverage Program Payments (PLC)$886
Direct Payment Program$14,382
    Direct Payment - Corn$12,590
    Direct Payment - Oats$335
    Direct Payment - Soybeans$1,457
Counter Cyclical Program$2,635
    Counter Cyclical Payment - Corn$2,635
Production Flexibility Program$1,106
    Production Flexibility - Barley$0
    Production Flexibility - Corn$1,075
    Production Flexibility - Oats$31
Market Loss Assistance Program$5,710
    Market Loss Assistance - Dairy$5,710
Loan Deficiency$4,730
    Loan Deficiency - Corn$4,730
Dairy Programs$60,330
    Dairy Margin Coverage Program$16,017
    Milk Income Loss Contract Payment$40,046
    Milk Income Loss Transitional Payment$0
    Milk Marketing Fees$873
    Dairy Ecomonic Loss Assistance Program$3,394
Margin Protection Program$6,261
    Margin Protection Program - Dairy$6,261
Miscellaneous Farm Programs$4,782
CCC Organic Programs$1,051
    CCC Organic Cost Share - Storage and Handling$1,051

Conservation subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Conservation Programs$18,070
Environmental Quality Incentives Program$18,070
    EQIP - Regular$18,070

Disaster subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Disaster Programs$5,249
Crop Disaster Assistance Program$1,866
    Crop Disaster Assistance Payments$1,866
Livestock Disaster and Emergency Programs$2,082
    Livestock Relief$853
    Livestock Compensation Program$1,229
Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,301
    Livestock Forage Disaster Payments$1,301

Farm Subsidies Education
