Johanna Teig


USDA subsidy information for Johanna Teig

Addresses on file with USDA for Johanna Teig

This recipient received $666 in farm subsidies directly from USDA. Below we list the addresses of the recipient along with others at the same address. Note: Although the city, state and zipcode of records below may match, each address is unique.

Recipient name City, State Years
Johanna TeigStory City, IA 502481996-1996
    Other recipients at this address:Bethany Manor Inc - $3,674
Maurice O Tressler - $734
Guy Wakefield Jr - $71,363
Geneva C Steensland - $32,430
Dorothy M Bielefeldt - $3,859
Marguerite Hegland
Clifford Jerome Olson
Menora Durby - $9,002
Mary R Tressler - $1,877
Martha Andersen - $21,339
Arleen Lund - $12,940
Jeanette Larson - $54,785
Alice Gjerde - $20,161

Farm Subsidies Education
