Keith And Sue Geyer Trust


USDA subsidy information for Keith And Sue Geyer Trust

Keith And Sue Geyer Trust received payments totaling $364,955 from 1995 through 2023

Year Conservation Subsidies Disaster Subsidies Commodity Subsidies Total USDA Subsidies
1995 $1,416 $0 $8,359 $9,775
1996 $0 $0 $1,114 $1,114
1997 $2,868 $0 $7,917 $10,785
1998 $417 $0 $11,030 $11,447
1999 $356 $0 $16,955 $17,311
2000 $356 $0 $32,593 $32,949
2001 $356 $0 $1,852 $2,208
2002 $356 $0 $0 $356
2003 $356 $0 $7,411 $7,767
2004 $356 $0 $15,912 $16,268
2005 $356 $0 $21,170 $21,526
2006 $356 $0 $9,580 $9,936
2007 $356 $0 $6,156 $6,512
2008 $356 $0 $6,156 $6,512
2009 $356 $0 $6,032 $6,388
2010 $356 $0 $6,032 $6,388
2011 $356 $0 $6,032 $6,388
2012 $356 $0 $6,156 $6,512
2013 $1,104 $0 $19,802 $20,906
2014 $1,104 $3,967 $0 $5,071
2015 $743 $0 $46,100 $46,843
2016 $487 $0 $4,562 $5,049
2017 $487 $0 $2,433 $2,920
2018 $537 $0 $28,589 $29,126
2019 $487 $0 $23,522 $24,009
2020 $487 $0 $39,970 $40,457
2021 $487 $0 $8,895 $9,382
2022 $487 $0 $0 $487
2023 $563 $0 $0 $563
Total $16,658 $3,967 $344,330 $364,955

Counties where payments were made from

County Subsidy Payments 1995-2023
Buena Vista County, Iowa $358,016.00
Keokuk County, Iowa $2,972.00
Mahaska County, Iowa $3,967.00
Total $364,955

Farm Subsidies Education
