George And Mary Ann Frazier Revocable Trust


USDA subsidy information for George And Mary Ann Frazier Revocable Trust

George And Mary Ann Frazier Revocable Trust received payments totaling $278,586 from 1995 through 2023

Year Conservation Subsidies Disaster Subsidies Commodity Subsidies Total USDA Subsidies
1995 $2,951 $0 $914 $3,865
1996 $2,951 $0 $461 $3,412
1997 $2,951 $0 $541 $3,492
1998 $5,341 $0 $697 $6,038
1999 $3,289 $0 $1,533 $4,822
2000 $5,514 $0 $2,106 $7,620
2001 $7,508 $786 $1,615 $9,909
2002 $7,508 $0 $579 $8,087
2003 $7,508 $0 $481 $7,989
2004 $7,508 $0 $1,721 $9,229
2005 $7,508 $743 $843 $9,094
2006 $7,508 $0 $908 $8,416
2007 $10,797 $0 $530 $11,327
2008 $10,797 $0 $530 $11,327
2009 $8,806 $0 $517 $9,323
2010 $9,837 $0 $517 $10,354
2011 $11,621 $0 $517 $12,138
2012 $11,096 $0 $530 $11,626
2013 $13,830 $0 $483 $14,313
2014 $13,831 $0 $0 $13,831
2015 $14,205 $0 $0 $14,205
2016 $14,215 $0 $92 $14,307
2017 $13,831 $0 $348 $14,179
2018 $14,291 $0 $1,229 $15,520
2019 $13,831 $0 $1,331 $15,162
2020 $13,831 $0 $947 $14,778
2021 $6,335 $0 $524 $6,859
2022 $7,363 $0 $0 $7,363
2023 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $256,562 $1,529 $20,495 $278,586

Counties where payments were made from

County Subsidy Payments 1995-2023
Wayne County, Iowa $914.00
Daviess County, Missouri $256,627.00
Harrison County, Missouri $21,045.00
Total $278,586

Farm Subsidies Education
