Estate Of Leopold Somerfeld


USDA subsidy information for Estate Of Leopold Somerfeld

Estate Of Leopold Somerfeld received payments totaling $239,375 from 1995 through 2023

Year Conservation Subsidies Disaster Subsidies Commodity Subsidies Total USDA Subsidies
1995 $675 $0 $3,825 $4,500
1996 $675 $0 $5,320 $5,995
1997 $1,095 $0 $6,714 $7,809
1998 $885 $0 $15,570 $16,455
1999 $858 $4,000 $17,680 $22,538
2000 $438 $461 $18,708 $19,607
2001 $438 $1,109 $11,168 $12,715
2002 $438 $1,085 $5,695 $7,218
2003 $438 $5,035 $5,695 $11,168
2004 $438 $0 $6,730 $7,168
2005 $438 $1,446 $6,917 $8,801
2006 $438 $0 $6,236 $6,674
2007 $459 $0 $5,695 $6,154
2008 $459 $410 $5,695 $6,564
2009 $434 $0 $5,581 $6,015
2010 $434 $0 $5,581 $6,015
2011 $434 $12,920 $5,581 $18,935
2012 $434 $0 $5,695 $6,129
2013 $444 $0 $5,206 $5,650
2014 $483 $0 $0 $483
2015 $529 $0 $0 $529
2016 $468 $0 $5,742 $6,210
2017 $468 $0 $11,876 $12,344
2018 $468 $0 $7,090 $7,558
2019 $467 $0 $6,984 $7,451
2020 $467 $0 $10,232 $10,699
2021 $0 $0 $7,991 $7,991
2022 $0 $0 $0 $0
2023 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $13,702 $26,466 $199,207 $239,375

Counties where payments were made from

County Subsidy Payments 1995-2023
Cascade County, Montana $239,299.00
Teton County, Montana $76.00
Total $239,375

Farm Subsidies Education
