Lynn L Martin And Marian Ruth Martin Living Trust


USDA subsidy information for Lynn L Martin And Marian Ruth Martin Living Trust

Lynn L Martin And Marian Ruth Martin Living Trust received payments totaling $662,161 from 1995 through 2023

Year Conservation Subsidies Disaster Subsidies Commodity Subsidies Total USDA Subsidies
1995 $4,146 $2,014 $795 $6,955
1996 $4,146 $486 $4,196 $8,828
1997 $4,146 $0 $3,718 $7,864
1998 $24,754 $0 $10,491 $35,245
1999 $22,555 $5,097 $13,264 $40,916
2000 $14,437 $0 $8,359 $22,796
2001 $14,437 $4,414 $8,426 $27,277
2002 $14,437 $0 $3,682 $18,119
2003 $14,437 $10,739 $4,580 $29,756
2004 $14,437 $0 $4,131 $18,568
2005 $14,437 $11,403 $5,593 $31,433
2006 $14,437 $0 $5,593 $20,030
2007 $15,047 $0 $5,040 $20,087
2008 $15,393 $5,481 $4,131 $25,005
2009 $15,251 $0 $4,049 $19,300
2010 $15,251 $24,170 $5,500 $44,921
2011 $3,300 $20,707 $6,221 $30,228
2012 $5,151 $0 $6,350 $11,501
2013 $23,917 $25,174 $2,084 $51,175
2014 $29,086 $0 $0 $29,086
2015 $36,862 $0 $0 $36,862
2016 $22,550 $0 $2,895 $25,445
2017 $25,446 $0 $6,565 $32,011
2018 $22,107 $0 $873 $22,980
2019 $22,107 $0 $554 $22,661
2020 $22,107 $0 $0 $22,107
2021 $0 $0 $1,004 $1,004
2022 $0 $0 $0 $0
2023 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $434,381 $109,685 $118,095 $662,161

Counties where payments were made from

County Subsidy Payments 1995-2023
Curry County, New Mexico $631,384.00
Roosevelt County, New Mexico $30,777.00
Total $662,161

Farm Subsidies Education
