Gauntt Sisters Ptnsp


USDA subsidy information for Gauntt Sisters Ptnsp

Payment Breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Commodity Programs$148,065
Total Conservation Programs$57,380
Total Disaster Programs$11,756

Commodity subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Commodity Programs$148,065
Market Facilitation Program (MFP)$5,244
    Market Facilitation Program Payment (MFP) - Non-specialty crops$5,244
Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) Program$1,761
    Agricultural Risk Coverage County Payment (ARC-CO)$1,761
Price Loss Coverage Program (PLC)$36,100
    Price Loss Coverage Program Payments (PLC)$36,100
Average Crop Revenue Election Program (ACRE)$4,616
    Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) - Sorghum$196
    Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) - Upland Cotton$2,626
    Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) - Wheat$1,794
Direct Payment Program$36,846
    Direct Payment - Peanuts$10,545
    Direct Payment - Sorghum$273
    Direct Payment - Upland Cotton$24,375
    Direct Payment - Wheat$1,653
Counter Cyclical Program$40,098
    Counter Cyclical Payment - Peanuts$12,011
    Counter Cyclical Payment - Sorghum$42
    Counter Cyclical Payment - Cotton$28,045
Production Flexibility Program$4,323
    Production Flexibility - Sorghum$24
    Production Flexibility - Upland Cotton$3,819
    Production Flexibility - Wheat$480
Market Loss Assistance Program$2,340
    Market Loss Assistance - Upland Cotton$1,968
    Market Loss Assistance - Wheat$372
Loan Deficiency$5,512
    Loan Deficiency - Upland Cotton$4,842
    Loan Deficiency - Peanuts$670
Commodity Certificates$2,115
    Commodity Certificates - Cotton$2,115
Market Gains$5,668
    Marketing Gains - Forgiven Interest$984
    Marketing Gains - Commodity Certificate$4,300
    Marketing Gains - Storage Forgiven$383
Cotton Ginning Program$2,001
    Cotton Ginning Cost Share Payment$2,001
Cotton Transistion Assistance Program$1,442
    Cotton Transistion Assistance Payment$1,442

Conservation subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Conservation Programs$57,380
Conservation Reserve Program$57,380
    CRP - Annual Land Rental$57,380

Disaster subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Disaster Programs$11,756
Crop Disaster Assistance Program$8,664
    Crop Disaster Assistance Payments$8,664
Total Emergency Relief Program$482
    Emergency Relief Program (ERP) - Non-specialty Crops$482
Wildfires and Hurricane Indemnity Program Payments$2,610
    Wildfires and Hurricane Indemnity Program Payments - Milk Loss$2,610

Farm Subsidies Education
