Frank Brand Dairy Dba Brandwest Dairy


USDA subsidy information for Frank Brand Dairy Dba Brandwest Dairy

Addresses on file with USDA for Frank Brand Dairy Dba Brandwest Dairy

This recipient received $5,449,059 in farm subsidies directly from USDA. Below we list the addresses of the recipient along with others at the same address. Note: Although the city, state and zipcode of records below may match, each address is unique.

Recipient name City, State Years
Frank Brand Dairy Dba Brandwest DairyEnergy, TX 764522009-2023
    Other recipients at this address:Frank Brand - $183,878
Fb Indian Ridge - $935,361
Brand West Dairy LLC - $615,576
Fb Lariat Dairy LLC - $416,252
South Fork Dairy LLC - $441,988
Frank Frans Brand - $183,878
Joni Brand
Frank Brand Dairy Dba Brandwest DEnergy, TX 764522009-2020
    Other recipients at this address:Frank Brand - $183,878
Fb Indian Ridge - $935,361
Brand West Dairy LLC - $615,576
Fb Lariat Dairy LLC - $416,252
South Fork Dairy LLC - $441,988
Frank Frans Brand - $183,878
Joni Brand
Frank Brand Dairy Dba/ BrandwestEnergy, TX 764522000-2008
    Other recipients at this address:Frank Brand - $183,878
Fb Indian Ridge - $935,361
Brand West Dairy LLC - $615,576
Fb Lariat Dairy LLC - $416,252
South Fork Dairy LLC - $441,988
Frank Frans Brand - $183,878
Joni Brand
Brandwest DairyEnergy, TX 764521999-2003
    Other recipients at this address:Frank Brand - $183,878
Fb Indian Ridge - $935,361
Brand West Dairy LLC - $615,576
Fb Lariat Dairy LLC - $416,252
South Fork Dairy LLC - $441,988
Frank Frans Brand - $183,878
Joni Brand
Frank Brand DairyEnergy, TX 764521999-2003

Farm Subsidies Education
