Elam M Glick


USDA subsidy information for Elam M Glick

Payment Breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Commodity Programs$64,056
Total Disaster Programs$1,526

Commodity subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Commodity Programs$64,056
Market Facilitation Program (MFP)$1,470
    Market Facilitation Program Payment (MFP) - Dairy and Hogs$1,470
Direct Payment Program$1,294
    Direct Payment - Corn$1,238
    Direct Payment - Oats$7
    Direct Payment - Wheat$49
Production Flexibility Program$8,990
    Production Flexibility - Corn$8,659
    Production Flexibility - Oats$38
    Production Flexibility - Wheat$293
Market Loss Assistance Program$10,954
    Market Loss Assistance - Corn$5,056
    Market Loss Assistance - Oats$24
    Market Loss Assistance - Wheat$182
    Market Loss Assistance - Dairy$5,692
Dairy Programs$37,003
    Milk Income Loss Contract Payment$29,043
    Milk Income Loss Transitional Payment$5,596
    Dairy Ecomonic Loss Assistance Program$2,364
Margin Protection Program$4,345
    Margin Protection Program - Dairy$4,345

Disaster subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Disaster Programs$1,526
Livestock Disaster and Emergency Programs$1,526
    Livestock Compensation Program$1,526

Farm Subsidies Education
