Sv Farms Inc


USDA subsidy information for Sv Farms Inc

Addresses on file with USDA for Sv Farms Inc

This recipient received $2,413,204 in farm subsidies directly from USDA. Below we list the addresses of the recipient along with others at the same address. Note: Although the city, state and zipcode of records below may match, each address is unique.

Recipient name City, State Years
Sv Farms IncAltus, OK 735212004-2023
    Other recipients at this address:Dan Vinyard - $157,533
Vinyard Farms Partnership - $4,053,289
Bitter Creek Farms Inc - $1,833,898
Southwest Cotton Farms Inc - $2,087,666
Vinyard Bros Jv - $4,093,996
Dv Farms LLC - $1,105,437
Rcv Farms LLC - $928,595
Double V LLC - $1,361,651
V91 Farms LLC - $1,131,718
V88 Farms LLC - $1,323,983
Box Creek LLC - $8,021
Carson P Vinyard - $546,222
V & V Partnership - $1,242,397
Vinyard Ag Partnership - $1,038,668
Audean Vinyard - $28,170
Vinyard Farms Inc - $4,053,289
Vinyard Bros - $4,093,996
Ryan C Vinyard - $541,082
Vinyard & Son Inc - $1,010,866
V & V Farms Inc - $1,171,237
Cindy Vinyard
Rv Farms LLC - $62,151
Sw Farms LLC - $117,564
Charlcey P Plummer
Shelby L Vinyard - $330,064
Carson Parker Vinyard - $546,222

Farm Subsidies Education
