Laakers Acres North Missouri Properties LLC


USDA subsidy information for Laakers Acres North Missouri Properties LLC

Addresses on file with USDA for Laakers Acres North Missouri Properties LLC

This recipient received $411,151 in farm subsidies directly from USDA. Below we list the addresses of the recipient along with others at the same address. Note: Although the city, state and zipcode of records below may match, each address is unique.

Recipient name City, State Years
Laakers Acres North Missouri Properties LLCSaint Louis, MO 631292014-2023
    Other recipients at this address:Laakers Acres Franklin County Pro - $7,909
Laakers Acres Franklin County Property LLC - $7,909
Laakers Acres North Missouri PropSaint Louis, MO 631292014-2020
    Other recipients at this address:Laakers Acres Franklin County Pro - $7,909
Laakers Acres Franklin County Property LLC - $7,909
Laakers Acres North Missouri PropSaint Louis, MO 631282009-2013
James A LaakerSaint Louis, MO 631292007-2008
James A LaakerSaint Louis, MO 631292006-2006
    No other recipients at this address.
James A LaakerSaint Louis, MO 631292005-2005

Farm Subsidies Education
