Eric Scott Delahoyde


USDA subsidy information for Eric Scott Delahoyde

Payment Breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Commodity Programs$289,184
Total Conservation Programs$37,004
Total Disaster Programs$76,655

Commodity subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Commodity Programs$289,184
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Round 1$7,828
    CFAP Round 1 Payments$7,828
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Round 2$41,439
    CFAP Round 2 Payments$28,941
    CFAP Round 2 - Top up payment for acreage based commodities$12,498
Market Facilitation Program (MFP)$126,951
    Market Facilitation Program Payment (MFP) - Non-specialty crops$126,951
Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) Program$72,473
    Agricultural Risk Coverage County Payment (ARC-CO)$71,741
    Agricultural Risk Coverage Individual Payment (ARC-IC)$732
Price Loss Coverage Program (PLC)$11,442
    Price Loss Coverage Program Payments (PLC)$11,442
Average Crop Revenue Election Program (ACRE)$15,357
    Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) - Barley$394
    Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) - Corn$9,797
    Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) - Oats$2
    Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) - Soybeans$2,199
    Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) - Sunflower$132
    Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) - Wheat$2,833
Direct Payment Program$13,693
    Direct Payment - Barley$312
    Direct Payment - Corn$8,333
    Direct Payment - Oats$8
    Direct Payment - Soybeans$1,770
    Direct Payment - Sunflower$10
    Direct Payment - Wheat$3,260

Conservation subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Conservation Programs$37,004
Conservation Reserve Program$37,004
    CRP - Annual Land Rental$14,493
    CRP - Practice Incentive$3,324
    CRP - Cost Share$12,319
    CRP - Continuous Practice Incentive Payment$6,868

Disaster subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Disaster Programs$76,655
Crop Disaster Assistance Program$4,709
    Crop Disaster Assistance Payments$4,709
Total Emergency Relief Program$52,283
    Emergency Relief Program (ERP) - Specialty Crops$7,389
    Emergency Relief Program (ERP) - Non-specialty Crops$37,544
    Emergency Relief Program (ERP) - Phase 1 Non-specialty Crops$7,349
Wildfires and Hurricane Indemnity Program Payments$10,975
    Wildfires and Hurricane Indemnity Program Payments - Milk Loss$10,975
SURE - 2010 Recovery Act Program$8,688
    SURE - Program Payments$6,369
    SURE - 2010 Recovery Act Payments for Crop Year 2008$2,319

Farm Subsidies Education
