Ee And Alice Richards Irrv Trust


USDA subsidy information for Ee And Alice Richards Irrv Trust

Payment Breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Commodity Programs$30,360

Commodity subsidy breakdown

Subsidy ProgramTotal Payments 1995-2023
Total Commodity Programs$30,360
Price Loss Coverage Program (PLC)$212
    Price Loss Coverage Program Payments (PLC)$212
Average Crop Revenue Election Program (ACRE)$5,766
    Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) - Upland Cotton$5,766
Direct Payment Program$7,720
    Direct Payment - Upland Cotton$7,720
Loan Deficiency$3,065
    Loan Deficiency - Upland Cotton$3,065
Market Gains$3,429
    Marketing Gains - Forgiven Interest$3,429
Cotton Ginning Program$7,864
    Cotton Ginning Cost Share Payment$7,864
Cotton Transistion Assistance Program$2,304
    Cotton Transistion Assistance Payment$2,304

Farm Subsidies Education
