Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) Program payments in Baldwin County, Georgia totaled $32,412 from 1995-2023.

Congressional Districts in Baldwin County, Georgia Receiving Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) Program payments, 1995-2023

Rank District Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) Program
Pct of
12nd District of Georgia (Rep. Sanford Bishop)$45,329,70437.9%37.9%
212th District of Georgia (Rep. Rick Allen)$7,864,0526.6%44.5%
38th District of Georgia (Rep. Austin Scott)$4,169,4783.5%48.0%
410th District of Georgia (Rep. Jody Hice)$886,8480.7%48.7%
59th District of Georgia (Rep. Doug Collins)$488,7380.4%49.1%
614th District of Georgia (Rep. Tom Graves)$485,9560.4%49.5%
73rd District of Georgia (Rep. Drew Ferguson)$411,1520.3%49.9%
81st District of Georgia (Rep. Buddy Carter)$72,2880.1%49.9%

NOTE: Not all recipients were able to be placed into Congressional Districts so the District total may not total 100%. Nationally 96% of all program monies were designated into a Congressional District

Source: Environmental Working Group. Compiled from USDA data.


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