Market Gains payments in Shelby County, Illinois totaled $4.1 million from 1995-2023.

From 1995 to 2023, the top 10 percent of Market Gains payment recipients were paid 48 percent of Market Gains recipients.

Pct. of Recipients Pct. of Payments Number of Recipients Total Payments 1995-2023 Payment per Recipient
Top 1%9%3$351,413$117,138
Top 2%16%7$667,220$95,317
Top 3%21%10$863,315$86,332
Top 4%27%14$1,095,176$78,227
Top 5%31%17$1,258,545$74,032
Top 6%35%21$1,449,063$69,003
Top 7%39%24$1,586,382$66,099
Top 8%43%28$1,750,538$62,519
Top 9%46%32$1,893,919$59,185
Top 10%48%35$1,992,871$56,939
Top 11%51%39$2,115,037$54,232
Top 12%53%42$2,199,412$52,367
Top 13%56%46$2,306,710$50,146
Top 14%58%49$2,383,768$48,648
Top 15%60%53$2,478,723$46,768
Top 16%62%57$2,567,803$45,049
Top 17%64%60$2,632,775$43,880
Top 18%66%64$2,712,850$42,388
Top 19%67%67$2,770,639$41,353
Top 20%69%71$2,843,152$40,044
Remaining 80% of recips.31%286$1,269,529$4,439

Farm Subsidies Education
