Total Subsidies payments in Grant County, Indiana totaled $6.5 million in 2022

In 2022, the top 10 percent of recipients were paid 75 percent of all USDA subsidies.

Pct. of Recipients Pct. of Payments Number of Recipients Total Payments 2022 Payment per Recipient
Top 1%40%2$392,215$196,107
Top 2%53%4$528,709$132,177
Top 3%59%6$583,692$97,282
Top 4%62%8$614,075$76,759
Top 5%65%10$641,073$64,107
Top 6%67%12$664,435$55,370
Top 7%69%14$685,913$48,994
Top 8%72%17$713,065$41,945
Top 9%73%19$728,385$38,336
Top 10%75%21$741,404$35,305
Top 11%76%23$753,516$32,762
Top 12%77%25$764,593$30,584
Top 13%78%27$775,114$28,708
Top 14%79%29$785,169$27,075
Top 15%80%32$798,760$24,961
Top 16%81%34$807,009$23,736
Top 17%82%36$815,031$22,640
Top 18%83%38$823,015$21,658
Top 19%84%40$830,570$20,764
Top 20%84%42$837,379$19,938
Remaining 80% of recips.16%172$155,346$903

Farm Subsidies Education
