Loan Deficiency payments in Ashtabula County, Ohio totaled $4.5 million from 1995-2023.

Congressional Districts in Ashtabula County, Ohio Receiving Loan Deficiency payments, 1995-2023

Rank District Loan Deficiency
Pct of
15th District of Ohio (Rep. Robert Latta)$138,041,80910.9%10.9%
214th District of Ohio (Rep. David Joyce)$5,081,0750.4%11.3%
32nd District of Ohio (Rep. Brad Wenstrup)$3,573,8940.3%11.6%
46th District of Ohio (Rep. Bill Johnson)$1,151,4770.1%11.7%
515th District of Ohio (Rep. Steve Stivers)$427,3580.0%11.7%

NOTE: Not all recipients were able to be placed into Congressional Districts so the District total may not total 100%. Nationally 96% of all program monies were designated into a Congressional District

Source: Environmental Working Group. Compiled from USDA data.


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