Commodity subsidies in 34th District of Texas (Rep. Filemon Vela) totaled $2.8 million in 2022

In 2022, the top 10 percent of commodity payment recipients were paid 86 percent of commodity payments.

Pct. of Recipients Pct. of Payments Number of Recipients Total Payments 2022 Payment per Recipient
Top 1%14%2$396,320$198,160
Top 2%30%5$841,728$168,346
Top 3%42%8$1,177,084$147,136
Top 4%52%11$1,468,699$133,518
Top 5%61%14$1,716,909$122,636
Top 6%68%17$1,935,571$113,857
Top 7%75%20$2,114,903$105,745
Top 8%80%23$2,254,931$98,040
Top 9%83%26$2,357,939$90,690
Top 10%86%29$2,436,733$84,025
Top 11%89%32$2,502,854$78,214
Top 12%90%35$2,540,146$72,576
Top 13%91%38$2,571,072$67,660
Top 14%92%41$2,594,617$63,283
Top 15%93%44$2,615,565$59,445
Top 16%93%47$2,632,416$56,009
Top 17%94%50$2,646,296$52,926
Top 18%94%53$2,658,146$50,154
Top 19%94%56$2,668,562$47,653
Top 20%95%59$2,677,714$45,385
Remaining 80% of recips.5%236$149,120$632

Farm Subsidies Education
