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5th District Of Texas (Rep. Lance Gooden) Farm Subsidy Breakdown, 2023

Total Subsidies, 5th District of Texas (Rep. Lance Gooden), 2023

5th District Of Texas (Rep. Lance Gooden) Farm Subsidy Quick Facts

  • Texas ranking: 1 of 50 States
  • 86 percent of farms in Texas did not collect subsidy payments - according to USDA.

Top programs in 5th District of Texas (Rep. Lance Gooden), 2023:

Rank Program Number of Recipients
Subsidy Total
1Livestock Forage Disaster Program121$898,857
2Emergency Livestock Assistance Program (ELAP)280$632,766
3Dairy Programs2$259,333
4Total Emergency Relief Program2$224,940
5Non-insured Disaster Assistance2$3,011

Farm Subsidies Education
