Total Commodity Programs in West Virginia, 1995-2023

Subsidy Recipients 1 to 20 of 13,625

Recipients of Total Commodity Programs from farms in West Virginia totaled $146,586,000 in from 1995-2023.

Rank Recipient
(* ownership information available)
Location Total Commodity Programs
1Burns FarmCharles Town, WV 25414$1,329,958
2Oakwood Farm LLCCharles Town, WV 25414$1,302,643
3Lovers Lane FarmsMoorefield, WV 26836$1,262,413
4High Horizons Farm IncRanson, WV 25438$1,161,962
5Riggs & Stiles IncCharles Town, WV 25414$1,075,776
6Lyle C Tabb & Sons IncKearneysville, WV 25430$994,905
7Myers White Oak Farms LLCLewisburg, WV 24901$983,239
8Gruber FarmsSummit Point, WV 25446$898,635
9Dale Nibert FarmsApple Grove, WV 25502$846,002
10James T Blue & Sons IncShenandoah Junction, WV 25442$841,529
11R Z Bane IncSummit Point, WV 25446$827,547
12John O Hardesty & Son LLCBerryville, VA 22611$815,848
13Mallow FarmsUpper Tract, WV 26866$768,779
14Bobs Market & Greenhouse, IncMason, WV 25260$750,000
15Linger Farms IncHuttonsville, WV 26273$688,425
16Elmwood FarmCharles Town, WV 25414$662,212
17Louis C MiltenbergerKeyser, WV 26726$648,216
18Locust Grove Farm IncKearneysville, WV 25430$643,848
19Linton Brothers IncMartinsburg, WV 25403$627,047
20Justice Farms Of North Carolina, LLCRoanoke, VA 24011$626,680

* USDA data are not "transparent" for many payments made to recipients through most cooperatives. Recipients of payments made through most cooperatives, and the amounts, have not been made public. To see ownership information, click on the name, then click on the link that is titled Ownership Information.

** EWG has identified this recipient as a bank or lending institution that received the payment because the payment applicant had a loan requiring any subsidy payments go to the lender first. In 2019, the information provided to EWG by USDA began to include the entity that received the payment, rather than the person or entity that applied for it, which was previously provided. This move to shield subsidy recipients from disclosure enables USDA to further evade taxpayer accountability. Six percent of subsidy dollars went to banks, lending institutions, or the Farm Service Agency.”

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